To be honest, at first, the idea of creating a blog and posting things on it scared me. I doubted myself and thought that I had nothing interesting to talk or post about. I had many expectations for my first blog, but they were all either proven incorrect or exceeded, because at the end of the day, it has been a very enjoyable and rewarding experience. What we did as a group was entertaining: we chose a topic, decided on the name, and began uploading things that had to do with the blog.
However, blogging is not as simple as it seems. There is a lot of work we must put into it in order for things to go smoothly. Luckily, with a topic such as travel, we have a lot of range to work with, and we are able to choose from a countless number of sources and ideas. Researching about the topic was very enjoyable for me because I love to travel, and so, learning more about the topic not only benefited our work and the blog, but also enriched me as a person. Researching and writing about what I found out took time, but it also allowed me to express myself and upload content that I was really proud of. Additionally, I got to share everything I learned about with others, which brings forth an unexplainable feeling of happiness.
The first post I published talked about my connection with traveling. I introduced myself to the readers and revealed what my purpose for this blog was. I wanted people to know that traveling is a beautiful thing, that it can enrich your life and teach you things you never thought you needed to know. I enjoyed this post, because it allowed me to express how I felt, much more than the other five blog posts. The second post I published was about finding good reliable sources for our blog. It took time, and at the end I used other sources as well, not only those I had written about, but I was able to introduce the reader to websites and people that had to do a lot with our topic. I liked finding other blogs and websites that talked about the same thing as us, because it inspired me to continue working in this blog in the best way I could. The third post I published was focused on a prominent figure in the travel business. It allowed me to focus on one individual blog and research it in depth, which was an interesting experience, because I could relate to some of the things he talked and wrote about. The fourth post I published allowed me to get to know other large profiles that wrote about traveling, which enriched my knowledge of the presence of travelers in social media. The fifth post I published was one of my favorites, because it allowed me to search for travelers and travel-regarding things that are not always common. I learned a lot, and writing the blogpost allowed me to share that unusual information, with others. And finally, this sixth post has allowed me to reflect on my blogging experience, and what it has taught me. I have thoroughly enjoyed it, and look forward to whatever my next blogging project is. And even though it got complicated sometimes, in the end, everything was worth it.
- Irene