We started this blog because we love traveling, we share the illusion of taking our bags and getting into new experiences. In the last few months, traveling has been almost impossible, many countries have restrictions and in others you still cannot leave home.
Traveling means moving from one place to another, along the way you learn and discover new things, therefore, I am convinced that the blogging experience has been a journey.
In the first post I discussed my connection with traveling. How it has helped me to open my mind, to appreciate the cultural value of each region and to know myself. If you who are reading this are fond of packing and letting yourself go or on the contrary you have never made a trip to a distant and out of your comfort zone place, my advice is to do it. In situations that are different is where you find new things about others and about you.
The second post, involved further research and learning about the world of travel blogging. To be honest I did not know that the blogging market was so popular and that it is so prevalent today. In fact, thanks to this experience, I started reading and following blogs. I told you! In different situations you learn about yourself and during this trip I discovered that I like the concept of blogging and that travel blogging is very interesting.

In the third post I focused on American blogger Alex Reynolds, if you don't know her yet, her blog is Lost with Purpose and she's great. It takes a lot of courage for a person to quit their job, sell their things, and dedicate themselves to traveling the world alone. Although many of us would not be able to do that, it is interesting to know stories like these that make traveling a sustainable lifestyle. You can also learn a lot from the experience of expert travelers, which is why these blog is so enriching.

The fourth publication was framed on the theme of traveling on social networks. There I talked about the blog The cultureur that breaks the schemes of cheap travel and seeks to show what the experience of traveling and appreciate the culture of places in a luxurious way is like. About Luisito Comunica a Mexican youtuber with informative and super interesting travel videos. And last but not least, the instagram account of digital nomad Louis John Cole was for me the best discovery. His photos are beautiful, his YouTube account helps to know the backgorund of the photos he takes, his lifestyle seeks to connect with the planet, so his social networks are an experience.
My last post was my favorite. I myself didn't know that virtual reality and the internet allowed internet users to go so far. You can know the world from home, although the experience does not allow a great cultural learning the beauty of architecture and nature are available to everyone from anywhere in the world. This could be the future of travel, the world is in our hands and in a very accessible way, we just have to decide to know it.
I am happy to have worked on this project, I learned from my work and from the research of my colleagues. Every day you have the opportunity to undertake a new journey, be it far or near, do not stop discovering what the world has to offer you.